This Could’ve Been an Authoritative List
Once upon a time, this article was going to be a resource for newcomers to quantum error correction (QEC). Unfortunately, it’s been sitting under “drafts” for a long time, and I’m unlikely to finish it in the near future. Therefore, my two options would seem to be either deleting it, or sharing it in its “draft” state.
Well, the following two papers are still worth sharing. If you find this article, I apologize for its brevity. But, I do hope you find these two papers helpful.
Quantum Error Correction for Beginners (arXiv:0905.2794v4), p. 33.
A simple decoder for topological codes (arXiv:1310.2393v4), p. 1.
No code is useful without a decoder, which takes the classical information produced by measurement of the code and uses it to determine how best to counteract the effects of noise.