The Ultimate Question

Brian N. Siegelwax
4 min readDec 31, 2022

Life. The Universe. Everything.

Calculating the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, does not require 7.5 million years of runtime on a stupendous supercomputer. Nor does it require 10 million years to calculate the ultimate question on a computer of such infinite complexity that life itself forms part of its
operational matrix and we ourselves take on new, more primitive forms to go down into the computer to navigate its program.

Nope. All it takes is Qiskit, Fire Opal, and six qubits.

The Ultimate Question

The circuit above programs a quantum computer with a mere six qubits to calculate the answer to The Ultimate Question. While runtime requires a fraction of a second, not millions of years, this circuit still has enough depth to generate considerable noise on current hardware. Therefore, the answer to The Ultimate Question should preferably be boosted by executing the circuit with Fire Opal.



Brian N. Siegelwax
Brian N. Siegelwax

Written by Brian N. Siegelwax

The least qualified person in quantum.

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