It ain’t just for quantum algorithm design anymore.
For the past few years, I’ve been calling the Classiq platform the Quantum Algorithm Design (QAD) platform. Why? Because that’s what I thought it was called. In retrospect, I don’t recall if anyone from Classiq ever actually called it that, or if I just assumed from their website that that was its name. In response to my recent article titled “Quantum Sliced Bread,” though, I’ve learned that Classiq is officially referring to the platform formerly known as QAD (any Prince fans out there?) simply as “the Classiq platform.”
What’s the difference?
Besides simplification — “the Classiq platform” is much quicker to say and type than “the Classiq Quantum Algorithm Design (QAD) platform” — this shortened name reflects Classiq’s focus on end-to-end solutions, including execution on real hardware. This makes sense, quite frankly; “Quantum Algorithm Design” would be an appropriate name if the platform was limited to VS Code and synthesizing quantum circuits. However, there’s also an SDK that enables variational (hybrid classical-quantum) algorithms as well as the aforementioned execution on real hardware.