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Review: Wolfram Quantum Framework

Brian N. Siegelwax
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2022


Based on a Classiq Coding Competition Submission

One submission to the recent Classiq Coding Competition was made public early. The solution was generated using the Wolfram Quantum Framework which, at a quick glance, looked like a competitor to Classiq’s Quantum Algorithm Design platform. I thought that was going to be a really interesting predicament for Classiq should the solution win. Upon closer scrutiny, however, I no longer view it as a competitive framework.

The Good

Constraint Determination. The challenge was to solve a puzzle, which was easily defined as a matrix. And although the puzzle was solved manually (see “The Ugly” below), the framework extracted from the solution the constraints needed to solve the puzzle. This might be useful if solutions happen to be available for a type of puzzle that you’re learning how to solve.

Constraint Setting. We’re not normally going to be designing quantum circuits for problems for which we already know the solutions. Well, in the beginning we will to verify that they’re working. But, for practical usage we’re going to need to define the constraints of a problem and try to solve an unsolved problem. The framework is probably on par with other frameworks I’ve seen in regard to how this would be done.



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